tips for the beginner or a new venture into online writing or blogging
is actually very easy, seo is never exhausted in the talk by the
webmaster or internet marketing penggelut especially for a newbie like
the author is now, to look for tips that instant in real easy seo ,
siapin funds and services contact the creator of the blog or website
then you do not have to bother doing seo optmasi our template or cooler
on page seo, but it's mostly for the pembisnis, if only just a hobby and
seo search of knowledge, of course, we start from learn and then find out.Here are some SEO tips for beginners. Hopefully can help in blogging and keep the spirit,SEO Tips For BeginnersFakus
on our intentions about what we share in public, do not be shaken and
better if we blog about something unique, or that is in need of people.Choose a blog from blogspot blogspot as quickly indexed by google.Choose a simple template that is not too full color, because it is usually very heavy loading,Select the template that sidebarnya on the rightReduce the gadget is not too important,Make
changes to the html meta tags on the blog, enter a keyword description
and should not be too long, insert the crucial point of our blog.In
the post title is too long and try not to exceed 5 words, if the title
is more than 5 words, select the important point from titlePerform blogwalking as promotional blog and try to find the same backlink its occasion with our blog.Promote the social directory, such as traffic news, infogue, digg. EctSubmit to search engine engine, like google, yahoo, bing, ask and ectKeep looking and reading about seo.Those are some important tips for beginners to start SEO. And
much more search engine optimization (SEO) which can dilakukakan, but
focus on each step and not too much brain-tweaking our blog because it
can damage the performance of our blog in SERP