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"Aceh Pungo", Murder Typical Aceh

Written By News and Fun on Tuesday 10 April 2012 | 04:27

 Dutch in Aceh War which erupted since 1873 until the early twentieth century is not over. Various attempts were made ​​to end the war that had many casualties, both on the part of Aceh as well as in the Netherlands itself. Towards the end of the nineteenth century and early twentieth centuries, the Netherlands carry out an act of violence by an elite force that they call marechaussee het corps (army Marsose) .

This forces the choice of the soldiers who had the courage and high morale, with the task to track and chase the fighters in Aceh against the Dutch to all corners of the Aceh region. They will kill the fighters in Aceh have been found or at least throw out the Aceh region.

By way of violence or the Dutch people expect fighters will stop the fear and the Dutch resistance. But what happened? As a result of acts of violence has caused resentment and a deep resentment for the fighters who remain in Aceh, especially for the families they left behind, father, son, daughter, relatives or kawomnya who have become victims of violence to the Dutch.

To reply to an act of violence committed by the Dutch Acehnese fighters perform in a way that later termed by the Dutch under the name Atjeh Moorden or het is een typische Atjeh Moord ,  a typical murder Acehnese Acehnese himself called Poh kaphe ( kill infidels ) . Here the fighters in Aceh no longer make war together or in groups, but individually. 

With one desperate assault against the Dutch if he soldiers, adults, women or even children were targeted to be killed. And this desperate act of murder carried out anywhere in the streets, in markets, in parks or even on their own barracks.

Aceh is a typical murder between the years 1910 - 1920 has been as much as 79 times the casualties in the Netherlands 12 people dead and 87 injured, 49 were in Aceh the dead. The culmination of these murders occurred in 1913, 1917, and 1928 is up 10 per year. Whereas in 1933 and 1937 respectively 6 and 5 times. The number of casualties in the Dutch war in Aceh over the past ten years in the early twentieth century (1899-1909), as Paul mentioned in his book De Van't Veer Atjeh Oorlog not less than 21 865 lives of the people of Aceh. 

In other words, that number had nearly 4 percent of the population at that time. This figure is after 5 years later (1914) rose to 23 198 people and accounted for all deaths (from the Aceh and the Netherlands) in the period is almost equal to the fallen in war time from 1873 to 1899.

This is yet another casualty after 1914 to 1942. One of a Dutch officer who became victims of murder is typical of Aceh was Captain CE Schmid, commander of the 5th Division in Lhoksukon Marsose Corps on July 10, 1933, conducted by Amat phone. While at the end of November 1933 two Dutch children who were playing at the Taman Sari Kutaradja ( now Banda Aceh ) is also a typical homicide victim this Aceh.

Murder spontaneity typical attitude of the people of Aceh is the pressure due to acts of violence committed Marsose Dutch troops. This attitude is also animated by the spirit of the teachings of the war Sabil for Poh kaphe ( killing infidels ) . In addition also a desire to gain martyrdom. And for revenge that the term referred to tueng when Aceh, a term that describes how a burning zeal possessed by the people of Aceh.

As a result of reckless homicide committed the people of Aceh are causing the Dutch officials who will be assigned to Aceh to think many times. And was among those who do not want to involve his family (wife and children) when served to Aceh. In fact there are repatriated to the Netherlands. Dutch officials in Aceh always imagined and thought about the dangers of Atjeh Moorden.

They could not understand, how just and armed only with a rencong a blanket or shirt tucked in Aceh fighters dare to attack the Dutch people, even though the Dutch barracks. Therefore, there is among the Dutch who claimed the act was " crazy "is not possible for a sane, hence the term among the Dutch who called it Gekke Atjehsche ( Aceh people mad ) , which was then popularly known as Aceh pungo ( Aceh Gila ) .

For the Dutch study it conducted a psychological study of the people of Aceh. In a study that involved Dr. RH Kern, adviser to the government and Arab affairs kebumiputeraan, results of this study states that the act was ( Atjeh Moorden ) including symptoms of mental illness. 

A conclusion that may contain truth, but also there may be confusion, remember there are symptoms that are not affordable by the policies of scientific thought in the Moorden Atjeh. According to RH Kern what the people of Aceh is a result of their discontent were suppressed by the Dutch, because the soul will remain against the Dutch.

With the conclusion that many mentally ill people in Aceh, the Dutch government then set up a mental hospital in Sabang. Dr. Latumenten who became head of the Psychiatric Hospital in Sabang then also did a study of typical perpetrators of the murder of the Dutch government in Aceh which they were alleged to have been seized with neurological disease or mad. 

However, the results of the study Dr. Latumenten shows that all players are normal people. And that encourages them to desperate acts are due to the nature of the Dutch held grudges against the tueng when. For that act of violence should not be treated against the people of Aceh.

Furthermore, the Dutch government implementing the new policy, known as pacification advanced political ideas hatched by C. Snouck Hurgronje. Something that shows the political nature of peace in which the Netherlands show leniency to the people of Aceh, they no longer act simply by relying on violence, but with other efforts that can lead to public sympathy.

Author: Rusdi Sufi, Historian Aceh.
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