Definition of learning
Written By News and Fun on Monday, 12 March 2012 | 04:02
1. Definition of learning
Learning is defined as change in capabilities as a result of an experience. More detail Schunk defined what learning is “learning is an enduring changing in behavior, or in the capacity to behave in a given fashion, which result from practice or other from experience .
According to Anita:
Wool folk in educational psychology book points out that: first, learning is not something found only in the classroom. It takes constantly everyday of our lives. Second, it does not only involve what is “correct”. If a student misspells a word on a test, we can not say that the student did not learn to spell the word, only that student learned the wrong spelling. Third, learning does not have to be deliberate or conscious. A tennis player may be completely unaware of the pattern until the structure points it out. Finally, learning does not always involve knowledge or skill, such as spelling and tennis. Attitude and emotions can also be learnt .
Learning also involves three aspects those are cognitive, psychomotoric and affective. Barry and Le King defined what cognitive learning, psychomotoric learning and affective learning. Cognitive learning refers to learning that is primarily concerned with mental or intellectual processes might involve acquiring and recalling information, problem solving, learning of rules, concept of learning and strategies for learning how to learn and think. Psychomotoric learning refers to learning concerned with the development of bodily movement. These movements are associated with whole body or muscular movement such as jumping, throwing, drawing, writing etc. And affective learning refers to learning that is concerned with personal and social matters. This might involved the development of attitude, belief, values, inters, and social relationship .
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